Thursday, October 4, 2007

What to write about?? 1st thing in my head is.....

Hey guys....just reporting back in from UK.... Honestly, I'm not sure what to post about nowadays...maybe just cause, well, I get back all brain drained and stuff or I just lose the moment most of the time. Sorry about that. Ahaha

Well things been great, met fairly lots of people. Some briefly, some I've been hanging out with. First group of people I met was quite random. Just bumped into each other looking for some place we were all suppose to gather at. And another guy at the corner of the fresher's party, ('nuff said). And well, people waiting in line as well. AHAHA.

That Uni Life for ya. And its great!! so far.

Odd thing is, I've yet to actually make friends with any Caucasians ( not trying to make any racist remarks just a statistics check). I'm rather surprised to meet like, 50% Asians here. But maybe it is just my subconscious mind building some form of odd barrier. CURSE IT!!! XD

Just a friendly note to all who are interested, in terms of faith, there are a lot of things we got to be careful when overseas. In the very liberal countries and stuff.

1. well yea the distractions
2. There's lots of cults and occults

I'd like to say something about no. 2. Well, I myself am Christian so some who don't share the same beliefs as me might think I'm bias or whatever but these cults (Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc) are misleading those who wish to really know the truth (they've got really nice church buildings for these cults here). What they do is they tell one bit of it, and twist the rest. Like what Satan did with Adam and Eve for those who know.

Some thing struck me just a moment ago. After being exposed to their existence I feel more compelled to read what the bible really says. I mean, why do these cults believe in what they do so strongly? I'm pretty sure they've been silenced countless times by the churches as they tried to make themselves a denomination.If I encounter them, how will I react and will I be able to stand up for Him that they might see Him as well? Just to note as well, its not safe to look into these if you are not strong in your faith yet. I personally think I'm not strong yet. I've been slacking

Well anyway, enough of me babbling. I'll just post some flower pictures I took last week or so when I went to some garden place with my folks. Till next time!!!

Apples!! Yellow Rose

Bell shaped flower XD Don't know..some clustered flowers but nice nonetheless


Anonymous said...

Heya Daniel. Good to see that you're there good and alive...i mean, good and .. good... hehe anyways hold on to Him alwys, and remember that everything is in His hands.. you'll be back before u know it..haha take care lots yea..and sorry i couldn't go to send u off too..God Bless YOU!!!

ps: nice pics! i like the apple one :D and the rest too

Jacqueline said...


ooh guess maybe after this u can figure whats that important thing i wana talk to you abt already? kinda forgotten abt it last night till we hung up. oops. well nxt time i see u remind me. im glad to hear abt how much u wana stand up for Him etc. dont slack k? continue to climb that ladder like how u love to level up during dota. (not the other way around)

eh i want roses!!!!! red one!!!! hurry go take!!! back!lolz. i like the bell shape ones...hehe.

Anonymous said...

funny that you mention it, I don't have caucasian friends either ... :|

Pwincezstefstef said...

Hey danielle!!!
Nice room...well, my room is better...and BIGGER than yours!!you jealous?better be..hey i want my guy more Mc Donalds yea..will miss you...sobz... NOT!dream on girlfriend..take care..

Mr. Ong said...

lol....ppl just can't admit that life has less meaning without me around XD....good to see you all doing fine...XD