Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Of God And Creation

Well, just before I slept thought I'd post this...I randomly went on to a youtube link for the song God of Wonders and I noted some peoples point of views. Most were praising God and the song, but some people commented these.

1. 'bullshit. ever heard of evolution?'
2. (previous comment was to read the bible and to believe it) 'yea........sure read and laugh'
3. 'Heard of it but dont believe it. You shouldn't either.'
4. 'Keep your beliefs to yourself please.'

Now, I'm guess I don't blame them, but to christians, it stings doesn't it? If it doesn't, we should remember the great commision. Well to answer the evolution one, there's no proof of the process. Apparently most scientists don't really use it much either. Its just a theory for them to study.

There are so many things I don't understand. But I look at nature and even the things that happen in my life, and I know God is real. How can something so perfect be formed without help? If we ask for proof of God's exisitence, take a good look around and a close look into our hearts. We shouldn't need pillars of clouds and fire to be convinced. The answer is there all along. Keep our beliefs to ourselves? We can't, or more like we shouldn't because he is OUR God and not just the Christians God.

To those who still choose not to believe. It is your choice in the end. Noone can force anything on you. And personally it will pain me and I believe even more so God's heart.

God bless to all Mankind.Amen.

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