Friday, September 18, 2009

Joyous day!

A joyous day! Well perhaps not to those who like cute little things that have potential destructive capacities but joyous none the less!

Back in the day, When such a momentous occasion happens, I am half certain a close friend or relative would have burst out of his home and ran down the streets shouting the good news like Hermes with is ass on fire. But now we have such contraptions like the Internet and mobile phones etc. so the actions of the messenger are left to the imagination of the individual who heard of it. Probably makes the situation worse off, but I digress.

My brother and his wife had been gifted by the heavens with a baby girl. And a good timing too as I will be leaving for the UK in just a matter of days time. Her timing is impeccable, I must say. Looks like there will be little time for him and his warhammer 40k models and hobbies for now.

Try as I might, I am at a lost for words of how to best describe this event. Probably overjoyed for my brother and also, perhaps still quite perplexed. Nothing negative I assure you, it's just that I can only picture a daughter happily mauling her father to the ground in savage child fury. And on the off-chance, kicking his ass in a game or something.

Well, I am off, again. To those persistent readers of my semi-comatose blog of mine I thank you. Till next time.

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