If I were to return home and accompany my friends for a game of Counter strike, it would seem pale and but a hint of the enjoyment one experiences from the game of (as the title of the post) Paintball.
Allow me to experiment on my story telling abilities, unfortunately I have horrible narrating skills. (Good luck!)
Only having just enough sleep to keep me sane, I managed to pull myself away from slumber and prepared for the day to come. It was pretty much a last minute decision but I thought: 'hey, why not?' Even now, I still don't have a proper reason on why I shouldn't go. And I did have reasons not to.
It was the first time in 3months that I actually woke up earlier than 9a.m and before the sun even rose. Streets were empty, and it was silent. I met up with a friend and later on, her friends and we all just headed to the 'pick up point' to head for the Paintball Tournament.This is supposedly in conjunction with the Brunei's National Day and since they can't celebrate at home, they improvised. In all honesty, I assumed there would be less people. Guess I was wrong. If I am not mistaken, almost 200 people attended this event. Some only spectators. But in all, playing teams consisted 12 players and there were about 14 teams I think.

As sleepy as I was supposed to be I couldn't even keep my eyes closed. I can't say that I was excited, it was just that I couldn't sleep. And when we got there, well, things in the beginning were a little slow apart from them giving us those army camouflage jumpsuit things. I was expecting more armour from what I hear about paintball apart from just over-washed, weathered out jumpsuits. Some looked like janitor suits, others seemed, questionable. But this comes in mind and I suppose they still provide more plausible camouflage in comparison with that of Malaysian's NS programme(Blueish in general, Quite bright).

I was in Team Slayer (typical kind of) and I guess I will let you guys see for yourselves how our team faired.Hope the pictures are clear enough.

You should conclude by now that we got to the finals. Yes we were that good, 7 of us out of 12 were 1st timers i presume and for me I only just met them apart from my friend, Sabreena. We fought valiantly with gas guns in our hands and the sole pleasure of the game in our hearts! Scoring nothing only for one game and the finals! We got 2nd, but the opposing team were well equiped with their own personal guns each, meaning more accuracy,rate of fire and speed of shots. And they bought smoke grenades which do eliminate people in a 2m radius i think.
Nevertheless, we took out half their team and made them searching around the flag for a couple of minutes before they took the win. A glorious defeat I'd say.And for this match, 2 of our veteran players managed to get some personal gear on. Our team captain donned a helm that was of dark yellow and glittered partially like gold and right-flank lead finally wielded his personal gas gun. Fear the underdogs! I might be too bold for saying this but when the awards were given, greater praises were given to us than to the actual victors. Ah, glorious defeat indeed. Or so I felt. On a personal feat for that matter, as headshots do not count as elimination I have been hit about 4times and stayed in game. My mistake on staying on a vunerable cover position.
I could go on pretty much more but there were 7 battles and it be too much. I'd end this now with thanks and gratitude to Sabreena for inviting me and her friends who have been very welcoming. You guys are a wonderful bunch. Hope to see more of you guys in the near future. Also, I will try to blog about the next paintball session I'll have, next week!!
God bless to you all! And I hope paintball is just as fun in Malaysia as it is here. As dim as that hope is, I hope still.
1 comment:
nah...read d! haha. Ooh..fun..and eh dont lar insult your own country till so bad lar...u still came from here! tsk! haha. Cheh..was wondering why u had a paintball game this wk.but fun! but but...u gona be a cheater nxt wk then huh?cuz u already played before! hahaha! shall won ur society members somehow! hahaha!
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