Monday, April 20, 2009

The Easter

Still in the holidays....or so its called....I'm to tell myself its a study break.

6modules. 1 Project that is worth 30% of one of those modules. And only less than a month before the deadlines.

I personally think I'm screwed. But anyway...

This post is not really about me. As most will know its the season of easter. And something a friend of mine said (as trivial as it was then) is stuck in my head.

'Easter is a time when God wants to bless us' and also 'Easter is the time when we are tested'

Personally, I don't feel like I'm involved in any testing of faith. But apparently everyone else seems to be.

Although easter is pretty much over. The effects are still hanging around or we are still going through somethings. Would just like to say God is there. And he loves you.

Truth be told I am a skeptic. But believe me in this, miracles happen everyday to us. Whether we know it or not.

In any case, Later days!!

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