Monday, April 6, 2009

A strange turn of events....

Hmm...most of you don't know this. But since January (or Febuary) I stumbled on this web-based book called Eastridge : School for Adventurers and at that point of time. They had a 'competition' for writing and character creation.

Awkward as it may seem, I found myself pulled in by this and thought : 'What the heck, lets give voice to the creative voice inside my head!' If I truely had one in the first place.

What compelled me to do this? Me asking myself more than you probably would question me. Maybe I was bored. Maybe my supressed love for fantasy stories, games and the more geeky stuff finally found a way to break out.

In any case, I applied regardless. Taking my time to plan out my application and further describe my character. And a few days before the deadline, I handed it in. With the mindset of having nothing to lose.

I didn't really think I'd get in after having read one of another applicants work. Well, briefly at least. And it seemed rather good. I thought to myself if there were at least 20 people like him/her. I won't stand a chance. I wrote nothing of this sort in my life!

Almost a month has passed and the results are in.

Out of possibly that many applicants. Maybe a good 50 applicants or who knows how many more. I was one of 8 to get an acceptance. This morning, I really didn't know what to do with my blog actually. Until now.

In any case, needless to say I did actually have help from 2 really Really dedicated friends as well. Who whole-hearted-y gave up their sleep (and possibly game time for one of them) to provide me feed-backs on my writing. Jacqueline Lim(Crazy B***h of the millennium) and Mark Tan(Psycho Dentist-to-be Extrodinare) I salute thee. You two probably already know what the reward will be. :D

Now if you all please excuse me. I need to go back into reality and read up on macroeconomics.

The pain....!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

crazy what of the millenium? u just wait! ur gona pay man!!!!